The whole climate change hysteria really took off when Al Gore launched  his film named 'An Inconveniant Truth'... a film which is in reality blaming you and me for all the forest fires, hurricanes and floods, which people around the world have experienced over the last few years. "El Nino", "Kathrina", forest fires in California and in the south of Europe, floodings in Bangladesh... you name it... people are to blame... according to Gore and his cronies... 'conspirators'.

Having spent a few years of my life on a sailing boat however, I can say along with many others who have had the same fortune, that we started observing changes in the wind and weather pattern years ago. When sailing from the Mediterranean back to Norway in the autumn of 1988, the Pilote Charts told me, that I should expect prevailing winds around NW to SW by the mid of august on the west coast of Portugal. What we did experience however, was persistant up to gale force winds straight out of the north, all the way from Cabo st. Vicente and up to the Bay of Biscay, which I reached three weeks later. In the earlier years  and the following years, I also recorded definite changes in the prevailing wind patterns along the coast of S.Norway.

A small book I bought in Portsmouth when calling on that harbour in 1988, dealt with observations made in connection with the disappearing ozon(O3) over the South Pole. The report predicted climate changes to come. It had been observed/measured substantial increase in the stratospheric winds, due to temperature changes caused by the reduced amount of O3. These changes, the report said, would in turn lead to climatic changes and stronger winds, especially in the northern and southern hemisphere. A most interesting page on this matter,  by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies is discussing and  pointing at this very fact. The paper is found here

The facts revealed in that report is of course an inconveniant truth for Al Gore, and hence he is skipping the alarming climatic impact registered by the ozon depletion.(Skipping the sun too :-) The O3 depletion is caused by the chlore-fluor-coal gases like  Freon gas - which is still being produced and sold - and which is produced by DuPont (or under their lisence). It is hence not all that far fetched, to assume that Mr. Gore has received substantial support from that industrial criminal giant, doing a virtual cover-up job. If you take the time to read the report mentioned, you will also note, that the scientists point at the increased cloud formation, caused by tempeature changes with the O3 depletion, and clouds (water vapour) as a most substantial source for a climatic change.

Al Gore doesn't blame politicians, bankiers, nor oil or chemical companies for the climate catastrophe he is screaming about. NO!... it's you and me he is blaming!... we have to stop polluting the air... stop letting out CO2... stop filling the atmosphere with a greenhouse gas like CO2... a gas which is absolute necessary in order to sustain life on earth.. without CO2, all life as we know it would die! CO2 makes up a tiny 0,04 % of our atmosphere. But he talks about CO2 as if it is a poisonous gas! The silly turd tells us that a life supporting gas is about to destroy the world!  Is Al Gore insane?... just plain stupid?.. or the 'con artist' I think he is?

Well, his hysterical speeches about CO2, about to  cause a near armageddon global warming, is most definitely nothing but absolute blather. But let us for a minute presume that he does believe in is own blabbering (which he doesn't of course). Would  that not be analogical to, "parents blaming their kids for getting sick and fat from the food they themselves feed them?"

His warning index finger, the concerned look on his face, and his bulky overfed body,  is to me the prototype of a typical politician, trying to lure people into  participation in still another political scam. The only difference being, that Al Gore's huge global warming hoax, has been made with all the effects and aids of Hollywood... and is designed to grab money from virtually every company and individual in the industrialized world.

A scam streamlined to the point, where he and the ICPP was, not only awarded an Oscar, but even a Nobel Peace Price!... but of course... money buys everything... that's politics.

Well then, Al Gore and his wealthy partners have pulled off a false flag operation, bolder and bigger than anything the world has ever seen on the political arena lately... exept for the 9.11 which made the invasion of Iraq pssible.   A scam with a upward potential of hundreds of billions of dollar, and over time it might even earning Gore and his financial partners, more money than what the profiteers of the Iraq war are pocketing. (The Iraq scam has cost the American taxpayer some  US 460.000.000.000,- by Oct. 2007!)     

Scam? You may have asked yourself by now, what is Brandulph talking about?
Well, it's the Carbon Offset scam... or maybe fraud is a more adequate word for the con operation undertaken? If you haven't looked into the Carbon Offset matter, let me show you how simple the con operation works.

To the left I have listed eight different Internet Pages dealing with the scam that Gore and his partners seem to be able to pull off. From these you wil see, that Mr. Gore indeed is an owner of a carbon Brokerage firm in London! Needless to say, there are huge areas purchased in S.America, Africa and Far East countries for this offset scam, which of course doesn't reduce the amount of CO2 put into the atmosphere with a single ton.

The CO2 assimilation of all plants and trees on this earth of ours, does indeed take CO2 out of the atmosphere, but it doesn't significantly reduce the output of CO2 produced by the burning of fossile energy. However, a tiny bit more CO2 in our atmosphere, means more "food" for plants and trees, and they will grow a bit more plentifull and faster when the sun heats up our earth a bit, provided there is water at hand.  The main point is, that CO2 is good - and absolute necessary - for us. The tiny 0,04% CO2 in our atmosphere does not cause our near earth atmosphere to heat up. CO2 is a natural part of our atmosphere, which all the man made chlorine based gasses are NOT.

What it does however, - on paper - is to allow private persons and companies to achieve a "reduction" in CO2 output, meeting pollution limitations and quotas set by the IPCC of the UN, and internationaly agreed upon. Hence, when Al Gore, with his huge consumption of fosile fuel, claims that he is a zero CO2 emitter... that he is CO2 neutral... he presents an insanity.!

The huge amount of money involved in this scam is also well documented in the eight fraud pages listed to the left above. Please read them!

Now then, a clever con man said some years back, -"Tell a big lie enough times, and it will becom the truth in people's mind."... and the bigger the lie, the faster this amazing process, he also pointed out. Al Gore's "financial buddy", Ted Turner - chairman of the IPCC of the UN - used this astonishing weakness of the human brain, when he built out his CNN. His "reports" then, kept telling people that  CNN was the best "news provider" in the world... while in fact, conveying that message was the paramount part of the 'news' he transmitted, along with bombastic fanfares and flashing images of "old stuff", but... the brainwashing worked... it still does... and it has even been copied by others.

Amazing! And now he (*) is doing it again, together with Gore as his anchor man telling the invented story about the CO2.
(*) And his 'hidden' moguls, like DuPont & Co.
To me though, it is close to unbelievable that the scumbags seem to get away with this type of con acts. However, since the American people, and the world at large, still sit like lame ducks believing that some friends of the one time CIA agent - Bin Laden - brought down the World Trade Center buildings!... well, it seem quite obvious that man today has lost the ability to perform analytic and logic thinking. The very ability to comprehend, to understand and profit from experience, seem to have been washed away. Washed away thru years of brainwashing by cunning media mogules, shrewd politicians and a twisted educational system - brainwashed by the front operators of the shadow governments controlling the western world. The International Bankers.

Anyway, I am always getting very suspicious, whenever there is a trust fund, or a selfproclaimed philantropist involved in a project claimed to be to the best of mother earth and all the life she supports, man included.

Egocentric tycoons, savages from big business, like Rockefeller, Mellon, Ford.. and... and now lately also Ted Turner, have all one thing in common, they all  transform into philantropists towards the end of their life.

All thru their life, they have shrewedly used all means available - more often illegal than legal - in order to amass an astronomical fortune, and towards the end of their life, they transfer their loot into a trust carrying their name, and proclaim themselves the philantrophic chairman of their new tax haven.

Philantropist my ass!... a wolf remains a bloody wolf, regardless of how many sheep pelts he or she puts on. now the global warming myth actually has lead to the chaos we are now enduring with energy and food prices. We pay for it every time we fill our gas tanks. Not only is it running up gasoline prices,

it has changed government policy impacting our taxes, our utility bills and the entire focus of government funding. And, now the Congress is considering a cap and trade carbon credits policy. We the citizens will pay for that, too. It all ends up in our taxes and the price of goods and services....
Excerpt from an article by Tony Blankley  of The Washington Times.

.... And while I have my own religious thoughts, I will not disdain any man’s search for
the transcendent. But a religion should be understood by both its adherents and others
for what it is a religion. The trouble with global warming believers is that probably most
of them delude themselves into thinking they are practicing science not religion. And
yet, the signs of religiousness are readily to be seen. Al Gore and his Hollywood coterie
have almost comically manifested one aspect of their new religion in the last few
weeks the sense of sin and the search for remission of such sin. At the Academy Awards
last month, their spokesman proudly announced that this year’s show was “the first green
Oscars.” These vast consumers of energy in their 30,000-sqarefoot houses, their Gulfstream
jets and even in their high-energy consumption film production process claimed green
remission of sin by virtue of driving the last hundred yards to the Kodak Theatre in Priuses
and by buying carbon credits. Likewise, when Al Gore was revealed to be using high
quantities of energy to heat and cool his large home, he claimed it was OK because
he had purchased carbon offset credits. Substantively, these offsets are of dubious
envi ronmental value (see Daily Telegraph article: “Is Carbon Offsetting a Con”; BBC’s
“U.K. to Tackle Bogus Carbon Schemes”; Wall St. Journal’s “The Political and Business
Self-interest Behind CarbonLimits.”) But as, what the Catholic Church calls “indulgentia a
culpa et a poena” (release from guilt and from punishment), paying carbon offset fees
makes perfect religious sense. The Christian sinner pays the church for “a remission of the
temporal punishment due, in God’s justice, to sin that has been forgiven, which remission
is granted by the church in the exercise of the powers of the keys, through the application
of the superabundant merits of Christ and of the saints, and for some just and
reasonable motive.” (Catholic Encyclopedia) In the animistic church, any using or changing
of the physical world (such as burning carbon) is a sin against the sacred, holistic, living
world (the Gaia hypothesis). But as everyone uses energy (just as every Christian sins),
the neoanimist church, too, must provide for a remission of sin (and also, a handy source
of profit for the carbon-offset company owners such as Al Gore who, according to news
reports, pays his indulgences to Generation Investment Management, of which he is
the chairman.)In the neo-animist church of global warming as in all religions the
truth is acquired by faith
not science. And as in all religions, the faithful should be on guard for charlatans.
Tony Blankley is editorial page editor of The Washington Times. To find out more about
Tony Blankley and read his past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page
at www.creators. com. opinion/tony-blankley.html

Turner remains America's largest private landowner, with 1.75 million acres, mostly in Montana and nearby states. Telegenic and charismatic, Turner plays the larger-than-life role more adeptly than most of his fellow billionaires. Many rich men own yachts, for example, but Turner skippered his to an America's Cup victory.

Many rich men own sports teams, but Turner's Atlanta Braves are perennial pennant contenders who won the World Series in 1995. Many rich men date starlets, but Turner married a movie star. Americans keep watching him, trusting that the next installment of Ted's Excellent Adventures will be as enthralling as the last,.
somehow I have always found something of a reverend in the appearance of Al Gore...
sort of a catholic priest calling for oblation...
and I never could stand a guy dressed in dark suite and white collar... too many have been  sexually abusing small children...
and screwing dumb adults .....yeah, I think that's it... sort of.
...............This result suggests
that anthropogenic emissions of ozone-depleting gases
have had a distinct impact on climate not only in the stratosphere
but also at the Earth’s surface. These surface changes
appear to act in the same direction as changes resulting from
increases in greenhouse gases (Shindell and Schmidt, 2004).
An increase in the strength of the Antarctic polar vortex by
stratospheric ozone depletion does not affect only surface winds
and temperatures. Using a 15,000-year integration of a coupled
ocean-atmosphere model, Hall and Visbeck (2002) showed that
fluctuations of the mid-latitude westerly winds generate ocean
circulation and sea-ice variations on interannual to centennial
time scales.
- Earth's Atmosphere
- Haloalkane
- Global warming Hoax
- The Global warming Hoax
- Gore support and sceptics
- Brian on Global Warming
- More facts and news
- CO2 Science
- Reale Climate
- Videos on  Global Warming
- Global Warming Hysteria
It seems to be a fact at the moment... or at least... the "normal" weather pattern seems to have changed somewhat over the last decade or so.
Take the weather in Europe during the summer of 2007 for instance... cold, windy and rainy in the mid and north Europe, while Greece and Italy experienced the worst heat and forest fires for decades.
We spent most of the summer on the west coast of Portugal though, which was just about as good as a summer can be. However... returning to Costa Blanca i Spain in the autumn, we had several downpours, of a
magnitude which hardly anybody could remember. The worst was measured at 500 liter per square meter within 24 hours!  However... to blame a possible climatic change and the torrents we had in October '07 at Costa Blanca on the human consumption of fossil fuel?... I think that is plain bull.... However, the changes in the stratospheric winds, caused by the depletion of the ozon through the CFC gasses, has definitely made huge changes to the weather patterns here on earth!
.....Global warming and climate change... man made scam... ?   

.. and !...  blame it all on the people
false flag operations, and big money to
be earned
Fraud 1.
Fraud 3.
Fraud 2.
Fraud 4.
Fraud 5.
Fraud 7.
Fraud 6.
Fraud 8.
Mr. Gore & Co.
Brokerage, dealing in buying and selling of CO2
Mr. Gore & Co.
"Tree" Plantation, which counts as a negative CO2 emitter. hence able to buy CO2 emission
Industry & Individuals
Emitter of CO2, and hence seller of "Green House Gases" (e.g. CO2)
Negative CO2
Buying right
to emit CO2
Selling right
to emit CO2
blame it on the people
CO2 makes up a tiny 375 ppm of our atmosphere
making money on the oil a second time
president Bush has also bought huge farmlands in S.America
the OZON depletion and the weather change
More to come ?
if telling  a lie enough times, it will eventually  become the truth... he knows that
years of brainwashing  has deprived man of rational thinking
Albir in november 2007
excerpt from the report
Stratospheric ozone has been depleted over the last 25 years following
anthropogenic emissions of a number of chlorine- and
bromine-containing compounds (ozone-depleting substances,

CHLORINE is made  by  companies like
DuPond, Dow Chemical, Occidental Petroleum, PPG, Vulcan Chemical, among others, who sell chlorine to a customer base that makes everything from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics to pesticides.
Emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons
(HCFCs) have depleted stratospheric ozone.
Globally, ozone has decreased by roughly 3% since 1980.
The largest decreases since 1980 have been observed over
the Antarctic in spring (the ‘ozone hole’), where the monthly
column-ozone amounts in September and October have
been about 40-50% below pre-ozone-hole values
The Chlorine Curse
Chlorine in it's natural form on earth, exists almost solely tied up with Natrium, forming simple table Salt, (NaCl). The Chemical   Industry hovever has developed enormous amounts of uses from this basic element, and most of their applications are slowly emerging as extremely harmful  to both man and environment. The depletion of  the Ozon layer, which is causing climatic changes, and skin cancer!, is only one horror. Below are some further links on the Chlorine nightmare 
The Chlorine Danger
excerpt from the report
Dangers of Chlorine
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
What is Chlorine
IPCC report on
Ozon Depletion
- Carbon Pool Europe
- Pronk Palisades
- Carbonfund
- Powertree
- Amazonas
- The carbon Shop
Exerpts  from The Environmental Leader Jan 11 2007

Ted Turner is partnering with Branchburg, New Jersey-based Dome-Tech Solar to create DT Solar , a Turner renewable energy company. DT Solar will initially focus on providing on-site solar electric power systems for commercial and industrial clients, as well as developing larger, utility-scale solar power plants in the southwestern United States.”Our future depends on changing the way we use energy,” said Turner. “We’ve got to move away from fossil fuels and develop long-term energy solutions that work. Using clean energy technologies, such as solar power, is the right thing to do, and it represents a tremendous business opportunity.” Turner’s move into renewables is not a big surprise. When Richard Branson made his $3 billion pledge last year, Turner called it a “brilliant move.”... BUT NOT A WORD ABOUT CARBON TRADING!
“I’m looking to make investments in renewable clean energy myself,” Turner told The New York Times. Speaking about Virgin Airlines, Turner also said that Branson would ”probably make more money off of this than he would off the airlines themselves.”
Bruce Curtis, chief operating officer at Dome-Tech, said Turner would bring economic and political capital to the company, The LA Times reports  “He won’t be a passive partner,” Curtis said.
The new venture aims to be one of the biggest solar power system integrators in California. To that end, the company plans for immediate expansion into several U.S. markets, including California, where it will take advantage of the states $3 billion, ten-year program to increase the use of solar power in the state.
Excerpt from Carbon Dioxide Offset Investment in the Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector: Opportunities and Constraints

"... the (Kyoto) Protocol simply authorizes Annex B countries to participate in emission trading with each other and use such trading to meet emission target commitments under Article 3. It also directs the COP (under the FCCC) to develop the rules and modalities for emission trading (e.g., concerning accounting, verification, and reporting of trades). If the COP does not agree on modalities and guidelines for emissions trading, Annex I countries might be able do that on a bilateral or multilateral basis."

...."Malaysia: Tropical Forest Rehabilitation The Forests Absorbing C0
2 Emissions (FACE) Foundation focuses onreforestation in the tropics, Eastern Europe and Holland with 85% of its capital committed to tropical projects. In Sabah, Malaysia, FACE is currently funding a tropical forest rehabilitation project (Innoprise-FACE Foundation Rainforest Rehabilitation Project) involving enrichment planting with indigenous dipterocarp species on 5,000 hectares of logged-over land to help restore the forests’ original structure. This area may be extended to cover 25,000 hectares. The rights to the downstream timber belong to Innoprise Corporation, the concessionaire, and the carbon benefits belong to FACE. When.."
Keiserens nye trær (Publisert 20.09.2002)

I Uganda har Kjell Inge Røkke og co. skaffet seg store landområder for hurtigvoksende treplantasjer. Salg av CO2-kvoter til gasskraftutbyggere og andre forurensere her i Norge skal innbringe enorm profitt. Tilbake i Uganda sitter lokalbefolkningen med frarøvet livsgrunnlag, og myndighetene får bare småpenger til statskassa.
Se også: Trær til Besvær  ,  Summa Sumatra
- Tree Farms A.S
     Kjell inge Røkke & Co.
- Branson Commits 3B USD
- (Ted) Turner Enterprices
- Clinton and Branson
first they chop down the rain forests, then they create the CO2 trading scam, then they buy back the wasted barren land for nothing, then they plant trees, then they sell CO2 certificates, then they chop down the trees, then they...
... well... if dat aint a scam nuth'n is!
see!... I knew big business had put the dumb former iron puming Austrian in charge of California for a specific reason!
looking for a Norwegian investing in the hillarious CO2 trading, I did of course find the hustler Kjell Inge Røkke
with time, Branson will make more out of trading CO2 from his airline operation, than by operating his airlines
exerpt from

.." Others worry that the market-solves-all approach will make consumers and businesses overly reliant on "carbon offsets" that basically amount to a guilt tax on purchases that affect the environment-say, a new car purchase, or an airline trip. Buyers "offset" their greenhouse-gas emissions by donating money to a reforestation project or an alternative-energy investment. (Schwarzenegger

recently announced that he now purchases carbon offsets for his weekly commutes by private jet from his home in Los Angeles to the capitol in Sacramento.) The legislature's goal, says Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, is to reduce California's overall "carbon footprint," not just to create a new pollution credit market. While some offsets are legitimate, others amount to mere "greenwashing" that allows consumers to assuage their carbon-stained consciences, without tightening their belts.
Click on the old
  Terminator for
   some funny
     "Arnold  Talks"
- Bush in Paraguay
- 1. million acres
Click on the old
  liar for some truth
   and facts about him
Skeptical Science is a great page for people who are a bit skeptical to what politicians like Gore and his money-bag-cronies are telling. 
- "Terrible Ted
I am still  digging into the ICPP, their chairman,Ted Turner, his buddy Al Gore, and some of his croonies appearing HERE
the big zero with tongue in cheek...
but sounding like doomsday...  and
vegetarians are facing hard times, as there are small fart-o-meters to be installed in their butts pretty soon.
most carbon offset programs do entitle you to a tax deduction - even a tax credit! -... hence do as Gore does!... trade thru your own carbon brokerage company..
Calculate your own carbon footprint... and start feeling goreguilty
The public health threat posed by obesity in the UK is a "potential crisis on the scale of climate change", the health secretary has warned
Overweight shall be charged an extra weight tax in the future....
Well... we didn't
have TV back
then you know...
"the links between forests, plantations and carbon stinks"
        It was shit ... that
I told that journalist  I would kill him...  I hope he doesn't start linking me to the death of.... oh shit !
Click on his nose
to read the FERN report on his TreeFarm project

Click on his teeth as well !

                Oh shit!...
I should have anticipated this!... to
leave part of my will in the hands
      of five ignorant Norwegians!...
           bloody shit!...
Do as I
say, not
as I do !
Ye silly imbecile
   assholes !
An open letter to the Secretary-General of the UN...... signed by a hundred Top Scientists
A chronology
of climate

SSRC is currently an international leader in the field of climate change study regarding the solar physics of the Earth-Sun relationship and the use of the recently announced Theory of Relational Cycles of Solar Activity" developed by the SSRC. This relational cycle theory or simply the "RC Theory" is a new innovative theory that yields a scientific explanation for the frequent and periodic reversals from global cooling to global warming and back to global cooling that have dominated the Earth's thermal processes for thousands of years.

And folks!....their latest press release states categorically that
our world is heading for an extremely cold periode
Read the full Press Release HERE
Glaciers are not
disapearing, BUT

Lots of good stuff!
Click on the roll!
We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.
This petition has been signed by more than 19.000 American scientists (Jan. 2008)
The scientific consensus on climate change”
The letter Science Magazine refused to publish
Check out this page too!
                   Hi there buddy!
  Don't you let'em scare you with their  scam.
My ancestor have lived and survived thru times
     much worse in the past... and besides,
                      have a look at THIS!

owned by Ted Turner
Ted Turner Wants You Dead To Save The Planet
Published on Monday, April 07, 2008.
An aspect of the "GORE SCAM", which I have started filing information on, is the dramatic influence it has on cereal prices. So please come back later.

In the mean time... read the link below.
John Coleman, “Global Warming and the Price of a Gallon of Gas”
wolf or coyote, does not turn into a sheep by puting on a sheep pelt... not even Turner
and Gore
It's all snake oil, folks! Al Gore and
his cronies have taken something that happens naturally, turned it into a
crisis, and forced
   you to pay for it!
A page giving you names of people behind and at the side of Al Gore