Some Interesting Quotations About Germany (and Zionist Jews)
        Collected from Jew Watch 
"Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30 year War." (Das Morgenthau Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11). LINK (1)
"The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labour unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany..." (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934) LINK (2)
"No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." (Nazi Hunter Simon Wisenthal, in his Books and Bookmen, p. 5)  LINK (3)
"The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." (Statement by Rabbi Felix Mendlesohn, Chicago Sentinel, October 8, 1942). LINK (4)
"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them." (Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981) LINK (5)
". . . purposely overstated the number of non-Jewish casualties at Auschwitz-Birkenau by many times their true numbers. With the end of communism in Poland and the former Soviet Union, officials at the Auschwitz museum have meticulously lowered the casualty figures in line with the estimates of historians who, for years, have insisted that between one and 1 1/2 million people perished at Auschwitz-Birkenau - 80 - 90% of them Jews. (The Breitbard Document, as published by the Simon Wiesenthal Center ) LINK (6)
"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).   Ref. link (4)
"Use the courts, use the judges, use the constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labour in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, by constant campaigns about the terrors of society, by pretence as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation." (Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, The Communist Textbook on Psycho politics, page 8). LINK (7)
"Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides. Zionists are also to blame for provoking the growing hatred for Jews in 1988." (Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star, March 31,1988). LINK (8)
"There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. We Jews today, are nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyer's, its incendiaries." (Jewish Writer, Oscar Levy, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution). LINK (9)
"In 1890, the first election after the expiration of [Germany's] Bismarck's anti-socialist law the Social Democrats amassed over 1.4 million votes...the ideology of the Social Democratic movement interpreted all economic, social, and political phenomena in terms of an all encompassing Marxist theory."
"... about 2/3rds of the Jews voted for the Social Democrats. Every democratic party received electoral and financial support from the Jews, the Social Democrats getting the greatest share." (Lucy S. Dawidowicz, The War Against The Jews 1933-1945, pages 55 and 228 respectively, by Bantam Books Incorporated (#13084-6, 1979 ed). LINK (10)
In 1897 was founded the Bund, the union of Jewish workers in Poland and Lithuania. . . They engaged in revolutionary activity upon a large scale, and their energy made them the spearhead of the Party (Article on "Communism" by Harold J. Laski, Encyc. Brit., Vol. III, pp 824-827). LINK (11)

"...(T)here is much in the fact of are Bolsheviks. In the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." (The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1918) LINK (12)

"National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-Semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism... under USSR law active anti-Semites are liable to the death penalty." (Stalin, Collected Works, vol. 13, p. 30). LINK (13)
In the Bolshevik era, 52 percent of the membership of the Soviet communist party was Jewish, though Jews comprised only 1.8 percent of the total population (Stuart Kahan, The Wolf of the Kremlin, p. 81) LINK (14)
"Soviet Russia is a dictatorship of Jewry." Arno Mayer (Jewish Professor at Princeton, "Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?") LINK (15)
"Why then has it (Winter in Moscow) never been republished? The answer may lie in Muggeridge's handling of what was then called the 'Jewish question.'..."Winter in Moscow" is acutely concerned with Jews... It was of course the case that a very disproportionate number of the early Bolsheviks were Jews and thus of commissars and apparatchiki..." Sunday Telegraph (London), England: Nov. 18, 1990  Ref. link 13,14,15
"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistically Jews." ( Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, Feb. 8, 1920) LINK (16)
"The average Pole could not but notice in the Stalinist era that the two most powerful men in the country--Berman and Minc--were both Jewish as was the dreaded security official Rozanski." Piotr W. Wandycz (Yale University), N.Y. Review of Books, Aug. 18, 1983, p. 51). LINK (17)
"The forces of reaction are being mobilized. A combination of England, France and Russia will sooner or later bar the triumphal march of the crazed Fuhrer. Either by accident or design, a  Jew has come into the position of the foremost importance in each of these nations. In the hands of non-Aryans, lie the very lives of millions...and when the smoke of battle clears, and the trumpets blare no more, and the bullets cease to blast! Then will be presented a tableau showing the man who played. God, the swastika Christ, being lowered none too gently into a hole in the ground, as a trio of non-Aryans, in tone a ramified requiem, that sounds suspiciously like a medley of Marseillaise, God Save the King, and the International; blending in the grand finale, into a militant, proud arrangement of Eile! Elie! [This is the traditional Jewish cry of triumph]. (The American Hebrew, New York City, June 3, 1938) LINK (18)
"Step by step, I have arrived at the conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg Trials, I, together with my Russian colleague, condemned Nazi Aggression and Terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German People did not want war. BUT WE, {England}, DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY, INTENT ON DESTROYING IT, in accordance with our principle of Balance of Power, and we were encouraged by the 'Americans' {Jews} around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleading, not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany: instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Empire. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentlessly pursued now, only under a different label." (Ashamed and Humiliated, The British Attorney General Sir Hartle Shawcross, said in a speech at Stourbridge, March 16/84 (AP)). LINK (19)  LINK (20) LINK (21)

The quotations appearing below have a lot to do with The Present Day Pirates. A few mega rich families who determine  what our manipulated history books tell us about the past, and what the mass media tell us about the present. From the day we are born, we are brain washed with falsified history and news, tailor cut to what they want us to believe, hear and see, and which serve their goals. And, today their indoctrination operation has become close to perfect, through their virtual total control of mass media, film industry, publishing, colleges and universities.

Phrases like "freedom of speech" and "free press" are in reality straight deceptions and utter nonsense, although Internet at present still offers such freedom. (However, asking questions around the accuracy of their story about the Jewish Holocaust however, will land you in jail for up to ten years in most European countries! So much for freedom of speech ;-) I am saying "still offers", because of my conviction that Internet will  also most likely be totally monitored and controlled by the Pirates in the " not to distant fact,   isn't a large bite of Internet under their control already? (As an example on surf control , try to log in on "Jew Watch" using Google and then do the same with Opera. Well, Opera won't give you access to the page. And now, Google is about to be bought  up by the The Wall Street Pirates - Oct. 06 )

To name these Pirates "Jews" however (as is done in most of what is written on this and related matters), is in my opinion more than inaccurate. I am of the opinion, that Zionists or "members of a secret societies" is a more correct lable on these ingenious buccaneering International Bankers and their associates. This being so for the simple reason, that Jews are not necessarily Zionists, but Zionists mostly claim to be Jews. All the Pirates though, seem to be Zionists, masters of deception and members of secret societies, like The Bilderberger, Skull & Bones, Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, Freemasons etc.

Anyway, if you find the time to divulge yourself more deeply in this matter, you will discover that prominent Zionist Jews, are mostly non Hebrews. They are mainly descendants of the Khazars (not quite correctly being referred to as  Ashkenazi Jews), who for political reasons converted to to Judaism in the 7th (9th?) century. (They make up some 80% of the world "Jewish" population today.) You will also discover that all leaders in the history of  Israel, are of Khazar descent, as was Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism,. (So were Karl Marx, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin),   Moses Amschel Bauer (Rothschild), and.... on and on the list goes :-) I don't know, but could it be that these guys are of a  smarter breed than the rest of us, or is it simply so, that they through their money power see to it that "their" canditates land in key positions? )