Here  we  are at  the beginning  of the trail, looking  back over  the
ruins of one of the "fincas altas", as they were called, these mountain farms situated up in the hills some 7-800 meters and more above sea level. In the haze to the right in the picture, is the bay of Albir with Serra Helada.
The winters up here were of course tough with frost and snow, but the summers much more endurable than the humid heat down in the low lands. This picture is taken early Feb. 2008, when the ruin carried a sign "For Sale".
I felt a small itching... would be a marvellous place to enjoy a beer for breakfast... but alas, I'm too old to start rebuilding a ruin... but then again, with a 4W drive... I could drive all the way to the door step... am I really that old?