his beggar sat on the sidewalk at the west side of the Dom Pedro IV Square in Lisbon.
Evoking my sympathy, I was just about to hand him a ten Euro bill when I senced there was something wrong with the poor fellow.
There was something wrong with the propotions... the lenght from his knee down to the stump of his leg?
In my imagination I added a foot to his right leg... hmmm?
I bent down and tapped the stump as I gave him the ten Euro. Clonk-clonk-clonk... it was knock on wood!
Pieces of wood stuck up his wide special trousers! A near perfect illusion, and which indeed was worth my €10,- bill.
What the clever con artist hissed at me, I don't know for sure, but I guess it was something close to, -"Get the heck out of her... fast... or I'll beat the shit out of you with my fake legs!!!!!"
I tried to snap back my ten Euro bill which he still held in his right hand, but he was faster than me. He had a mean look of triumph in his eyes as he tucked my bill into his breast shirt pocket, and I gave his fake loose right leg stump a light kick as I stepped out of his reach. The stump slid out... it made my day! A closer look at the conmans legs is found